LISten Project makes available free accessible audio-videoguides for deaf and hearing people. Each video contains an explanation of an artwork in Italian Sign Language (LIS) accompanied by subtitles and voice-over.
The audio-videoguides are designed in the inclusive perspective of Design for All, thus allowing them to be enjoyed by different audiences, including children.
In order to make The Blank’s cultural proposal accessible, LISten Project offers insights in Italian Sign Language with Italian subtitles on the research of some of the most relevant artists of the contemporary scene:
– Regina José Galindo
– Laura Pugno
– Jessica Stockholder
– Göksu Kunak
– Gian Maria Tosatti
LISten Project organizes accessible guided tours in Italian Sign Language to contemporary art exhibitions and museums. The tours are guided by LIS cultural mediators able to design specific itineraries and to engage both deaf and hearing visitors.
Our cultural mediators accompany deaf and hearing children and their families to discover Italian Sign Language through creative workshops on contemporary art.
The accessible art workshops in LIS create a dimension in which it is possible to overcome the communication barriers, that sometimes separate deaf children from hearing children, and to discover a common and unifying space of dialogue and fun.
LISten Project proposes workshops in Italian Sign Language for adults aimed at exploring transversal artistic themes and issues. Each workshop is an accessible moment of training and an opportunity to experiment different languages in order to build new reflections and communication tools.
LISten Project provides cultural institutions and organizations a training course that allows museums staffs to acquire basic knowledge and skills for the development of cultural and inclusive planning, according to the principles of Design for All.
The course involves cultural and artistic professionals, both deaf and hearing, and alternates classroom-taught lesson and workshops.
The topics addressed during the course are:
– Introduction to disability and the right to accessibility
– Commonplaces and breaking down of barriers
– Basic principles of communication with deaf people
– Deafness as a value: empowering potentialities
– Sign Languages and cultural context: analysis of case studies
For information and costs write to
#iolosegnocosì #tucomelosegni is the new video project by LISten Project designed to promote the dissemination of LIS signs related to the field of visual arts.
The project aims to generate a constructive linguistic debate through social platforms, in order to encourage the use and dissemination of visual culture among deaf audience.
Through dozens of videos, our LIS cultural mediators show the signs elaborated and used during their research and their mediation work, accompanying them with a brief explanation.
#iolosegnocosì #tucomelosegni accepted the proposal of BeGo Museum of Castelfiorentino to collaborate in the realization of #BeGoedition.
In addition, there is a #genuaedition of the rubric #iolosegnocosì #tucomelosegni, which consists of a series of informative videos on some specific signs of Italian Sign Language related to elements of the artistic and cultural heritage of the city of Genoa.
The research within the scope of accessibility and inclusion of deaf audience develops through conferences, talks and training seminars involving deaf and hearing experts of the international cultural field.